
Apple Superbowl Ad

In case you didn’t know, Apple and Pepsi are going to be giving away 100 Million free downloads from the iTunes music service throughout the month of february and of course it will be launched during the superbowl.

Details of the ad are just leaking out and I thought they were interesting

USA Today gives details on the upcoming Pepsi/iTunes Superbowl ad campaign which will launch the 100 million iTunes song giveaway. The new ad campaign will feature 20 teens who were sued by the Recording Industry Association of America for illegal music downloads.

In the ad, [Annie] Leith holds a Pepsi and proclaims: “We are still going to download music for free off the Internet.” Then the announcer says how: “Announcing the Pepsi iTunes Giveaway.” Green Day is reported to have recorded a special version of “I Fought the Law” for the Pepsi ad. The ad will appear on Feb 1st during the Superbowl.

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