

I woke up this morning to find that its snowing all over the place! This is happening at the best time too, Christmas Eve Eve! ;) Anyways I think its cool, Jacqui isn’t so thrilled about snow ever :P

She should be getting her presents either today or tomorrow so I am happy about that too ;) We had a big dinner here last night with my grandparents, father, step-mom, aunt, sister and more and we played cards (Blitz) a few times and I ended up winning the big game at the end and I won quite a good amount of money ;) I ended up changing out for $10 later that night :P

Anyways I’m having a great time at home, I can’t wait til I can go back to school and get started on working some more and starting some new exciting classes.

Oh, I also submitted my resume to Apple Computer for a summer internship. So maybe if I get that I will explode with happiness and joy ;P hehe it would be nice to have such a reputable company on my resume. And I really love the location and culture out there :D:D:D:D:D.

Ok I’m done for now ;) Merry Chri$tma$!!!