This week I’m gonna be 22! On February 20th, to be exact ;D Besides that let me recap the weekend:
On the topic of school we’ve hit the 6 week mark of the semester. In two weeks we’ll hit the ½ point and I think I can say that I’ve almost reached the plateau. Its the point in the semester where you hit your stride. You get your priorities set, and you get in the rhythm of doing certain things on certain nights and certain days. Despite a lackluster start (in my eyes anyways):
Anyways, I was a little dismayed. But I think I’m getting in the feel of things.
In PUMUG news we had our second meeting of the new semester last thursday. It was a really good meeting despite the guys from the Apple store not coming. I gave a rousing presentation on Keynote . PUMUG is also helping to promote a contest that we’ve helped to put together. Its the DLC iMovie Contest and anyone on campus can enter by making their own digital movie. Its not platform specific like the title might suggest, and people can check out digital cameras and stuff from the DLC here at Purdue.
They provide a special lab on campus to do digital projects like digital video editing with all the cool hardware and collaboration areas you’d expect.
Anwyays, there are currently about 61 entrants. This is really exciting! The mandatory orientation meeting is coming up soon and then people will have until after spring break to enter their movie. The prizes will be provided by Apple and will be based on the number of entrants. Hopefully this will yield some good results and bring some good earned publicity for Apple on the campus.