
Classes and MEAT

There are approximately 26.7lbs of tasty meat coming my way via my grandma. For some reason the other day she decided that she should send me a nice package from Omaha steaks :)

It should arrive tomorrow (thursday) and we’ll probably have a nice cookout on Friday.

Class Update

I got my test results back from the last EET 257 test and I got a 93 or 94 (I cant remember and I’m pretty tired right now). Sounds good. All of the grades have been entered into my 231 class and I’m sitting at an 88 right now. I’ve calculated that if I can pull off an 82 in each of the four sections of the final I will be at a 90 or so. I think its very possible that I’ll pull out an A in 231.

As far as the others? 276 should be an A, so should 296. 430 is kind of up in the air because Mr. Lance Hassan is waiting to update the WebCT class grade formula until grades are stable. In 207 I’m at a 82.5 but thats minus a bunch of homework, labs, the final practical (coming up on Friday), quizzes, and the test I just told you about. I’m hoping that I can notch it up a percent or two. 84 or 85 is much more doable for me ;)

That CPR training (3% added to the grade) is looking a lot more attractive right now ;D