
The Updates to my Site

I’ve done quite a bit to the site over the past few days. Here is a short list of the updates I’ve done.

  • I’ve streamlined the layout of the main blog, removed topic icons, changed how the date is displayed, and made little icons for the different parts of the post.
  • I’ve made it so that a window no longer opens when you want to comment on a post. You are instead taken to the individual page for the post at the point where the comments occur. Try it out! :)
  • I’ve obviously redone the layout. Currently Opera 7, Safari, and Mozilla derivitives display it properly. IE 5.2 on the Mac and IE 6 on the PC do not show it correctly. I’m considering fixing it, but its nothing major.
  • Every single page on the site validates XHTML 1.0 Transitional, I hope to keep it that way. Every single page on the site is also well-formed XML as well.
  • I removed the “Brief Comment” field from the guestbook
  • I added some style enhancements to the photos section
  • I removed the phpMyCalendar for scheduling, I hope to habe my own calendar app up soon.
  • A few days ago I changed how my posts are archived. Individual posts are kept under the directory /archives/<category_name>/<post_name>.php there is also an index.php in each category directoy which has a list of all post in that directory. Secondly, date based archives are kept in /archives/<year>/<month>/<post_name>. Again, there is an index.php in each month which indexes the posts for that month.
  • I’ve added a bit of php at the top of every page which checks to see if the client’s browser can accept ‘application/xhtml+xml’ and send the mime type appropriately. This pretty much only includes Mozilla-based browsers. This means my site passes this three level test which failed quite a few websites ;) The PHP checks which mime types the browser can accept and if the browser can accept ‘application/xhtml+xml’ then it will send it. That means that if someday IE supports it, it will get the proper mime type. Thanks to Mark Pilgrim for the php script .