In the past few days we’ve been having to get to and fro on the kindness of our roommates because Jacqui’s car had a dead battery. She finally got it back today. While it was in she had the brake pads, windshield wipers, oil filter, and oil all replaced as well as the offending battery.
Now that that’s all taken care of, we can start going to work at 8am again! woooo..erm? :) No I really like it, I feel that I get my best work done in the first few hours of the day. That and I really like how the campus feels at 7:50 in the morning. Its quiet and there aren’t very many people walking around (especially in the summer).
On other fronts I was able to secure a copy of Deep Space Nine: Season 3. This is really good season of DS9 because there are a lot of really neat story lines started such as the first battles with the Jem’Hadar and stuff with shapeshifters, etc etc.
In geeky news it looks like Noel Jackson will be hitting the street with Photostack 1.1 some time soon. It also seems he enjoys a cool band.