
Weekend round-up

This weekend features several rare instances of physical labor so be sure to mark your calendar ;)

We started the weekend off early by going to see the movie: “T3 – Rise of the Machines.” Me, Jacqui, Will Read, Will Smith, Will & Jacqui’s co-worker Josh and his friend all went together to see it. It was an OK movie. Lots of explosions, fighting, CG, etc. I’d give it 3 out of 5 lobsters but Jacqui didn’t find it nearly as compelling :)

After the movie me and Jacqui went swimming. If you read my previous post then you’ll know how that ended up!

On Saturday me and Jacqui got up early and we went over Ed’s house. Ed and his wife recently bought a house and they were moving all of their stuff from their old apartment to the house. We showed up a little past 10AM and began helping. It only took 1 full Uhaul load plus a second load that barely had anything in it.

In any case we had a lot of fun, I had a lot of cat-allergies and we got lots of yummy Mad Mushroom pizza as a gift for helping.

Today we went shopping and we grilled out for dinner.

Overall a fun, fun weekend! The upcoming week is a critical one. I only have about two weeks left until my POL 141 paper is due and only 2.5wks until the class is over (for some reason it ends in the middle of the week).

After that I’ve got some travel plans planned. Looks like the summer is winding down, I’m glad I had a lot of fun!!